Fundraiser “Support education for children”

We have visited numerous cities and towns to deliver humanitarian aid and received a lot of requests from the other locations close to war zones where children study remotely and don’t always have access to the necessary equipment, as lots of them, including school, high school and college students, did not leave their residence areas and continue to study. We believe that education should not stop and children and teenagers should continue their development and pursue knowledge, therefore we start a fundraiser to support education for children, and our goal is to buy 50 tablets.

Your contribution may be a key to fulfilling this project and supporting education of children with hearing impairments. Such children require special education programs that educational institutions have. However, the ones close to war zones are destroyed, causing students and teachers to continue their work and studies remotely. War has drained wallets of a lot of families for the last year and many cannot afford buying necessary equipment for their children.

Any sum is important, and any contribution is a step to improve children’s lives in war zones and locations close to them. We have received requests from needy families who have more than two schoolchildren and need technical equipment for online studies, that’s why our help is truly essential and we would be grateful to each and every one of the contributors to our project. Together we can make big changes in the future of auditory impaired children.

Наша місія

Our mission is to help the displaced who cannot afford buying gadgets to their children to provide their education, and we call everyone to join the initiative so the kids can continue studying at home or community support locations. Each story will be highlighted on our website, on Facebook and Instagram pages and in our foundation telegram channel “Hear with the heart”.

How can you help

Sharing information.

Tell your friends and family about our project and spread the word by sharing information or reposting on social media with the hashtag. #чуюсерцем, #heartheheart
Together, we can engage more people in this cause! 🙌
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Your financial support is extremely valuable to us. Even the smallest donation will help us get closer to achieving our shared goal.
Contact us
For more detailed information or if you have any questions, please, contact us.
Thank you for your support!
Bank details
UAH UA023052990000026003026215965
EUR UA103052990000026003016242669
USD UA103052990000026000006237609
CHF UA433052990000026004036227533
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