Людина з порушенням слуху повинна мати слуховий апарат. Бо отримали багато запитів та прохання від людей які перебувають в прифронтових містах, а також від переселенців та від військових. Благодійний збір - це мета забезпечити нове життя багатьох людей, які через нещасні випадки перестали чути. Ми зобов'язані змінити їхній світ.
Project goal
The goal of our project is to provide hearing aids to the following people
- Soldiers who lost hearing ability due to military actions
- Civilians and displaced people who were injured and have total or partial hearing loss
- Elderly people who lose hearing due to age
- Families in need who have auditory impaired children
- Children and adults with hearing impairments
What we need
- Hearing aids
- Plugs
- Tubes
- Batteries
- Storage cases
- Drying capsules for hearing aids
Let’s join our forces to change the lives of lots of people in need. Only the deaf people understand what it means not to be able to hear explosions, to lose hearing and not be able to hear again. Hearing at war saves lives in numerous situations and helps find shelter in time. War has taken away many homes and we cannot let it take away the future from the children. Hearing is crucial for all-rounded development, socialization in everyday life and successful studying.