Humanitarian aid for the deaf

The project and fundraiser is aimed at supporting the deaf people close to war zones areas, the ones we have already met and whose requests we received. We also would like to provide aid to the displaced people and victims of war.

What we need

  • Clothes for various age groups (children, adults, elderly)
  • Hygiene supplies and household cleaning supplies
  • Torches and candles
  • Powerbanks
  • Blankets, pillows, mattresses, linen
  • Mats and thermal flasks
  • Heaters
  • Generators
  • Fuel
  • Portable thermal hand heaters
  • Food supplies
These are necessary things that can help survive through a cold season in regions where there is currently no light or heating. Your help matters a lot and ve value each contribution. Together we can help those in difficult situations to survive.

Our fundraiser and your donations are an important step to improve the lives of those who need it the most.
How can you help

Sharing information.

Tell your friends and family about our project and spread the word by sharing information or reposting on social media with the hashtag. #чуюсерцем, #heartheheart
Together, we can engage more people in this cause! 🙌
Share on social media.
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Your financial support is extremely valuable to us. Even the smallest donation will help us get closer to achieving our shared goal.
Contact us
For more detailed information or if you have any questions, please, contact us.
Thank you for your support!
Bank details
UAH UA023052990000026003026215965
EUR UA103052990000026003016242669
USD UA103052990000026000006237609
CHF UA433052990000026004036227533
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